Practice Areas

People who have been charged with a criminal offense know that many of these crimes come with a social stigma that can be very difficult to overcome.
Even if the charges against you are eventually dropped, a trial can be devastating for you and your family, and can ruin your reputation as well as your financial future.

If you have been charged with a criminal offense and retain our services, we will take immediate action by thoroughly investigating the charges against you, interviewing witnesses and scrutinizing reports and any evidence to determine the validity of the case.

The areas of law we practice and can help you with are:

  • Major Felonies
  • Murder / Mansalughter
  • Assault & Battery
  • Sex Crimes
  • Drug Posession & Sale
  • Domestic Violence
  • Child Abuse
  • Expungement / Sealing Records
  • Juvenile Crimes
  • Family Law / Divorce
  • DUI / DWI

For more than a decade, the attorneys at the Law Offices of D.R. Jones have been offering effective and efficient legal services to people throughout the Colorado area.

When you contact us to arrange your free initial consultation, you will not be judged, no matter what you have been charged with, and we will treat you with the same dignity and respect we offer our loved ones.


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The Law Offices of D.R.Jones
Golden Colorado, Location:
1117 Washington Avenue
Suite 200 Golden, Colorado 80401
Phone: (303) 279-1586

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The Law Offices of D.R. Jones
All rights reserved
